Wednesday 19 March 2014

Our fake news n.1 The hurricane PaNeCriAdna hits Vilassar de Mar

At the beginning the TV said that the hurricane was going to be very small so nobody prepared. That's why there was so much damage: houses were destroyed, cars disappeared in the sea, there was no electricity for 2 weeks, the telephones didn't work for a week...

Paula, Cristina and Nestor rescued Ariadna from the waves. Ariadna was surfing a 5 metre tall wave when she fell in the water and was about to drown. Then Paula, who was flying a helicopter, saw Ariadna and gave the alarm. Cristina from the Coast guard received a call and sent the special emergency Navy force with Nestor in a submarine. Nestor saved Ariadna! Our rescue workers are heroes!!

Saint Patrick's Day

On Monday 17th March, Saint Patrick's Day, we played a special memory and a board game. We watched videos about the history of Saint Patrick and how it is celebrated in Ireland. There was a green hat we put on in turns: Paula first, then Nestor...

At the end we painted green shamrocks and leprechauns on our arms and our cheecks.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Sunday 19 January 2014

Our rendition of "The Gruffalo's Child"

Unfortunately we were 2 students short, but we managed to improvise our version of this beautiful story by Julia Donaldson.